User 75c3bec5c6
10-06-2009 09:41:19
When applying the following command (called from matlab):
java -cp "c:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\lib\jchem.jar" chemaxon.reaction.Standardizer "molfile_in.mol" -c "c:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\data\configfiles\default.xml" -f mol -o "molfile_out.mol"
I get the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
This started ever since I upgraded (fresh PC install) to jchem 5.2.02.
When I uninstalled this version and installed v5.1.04 it works like a charm again.
Is this a bug in v5.2 or has the commandline format changed?