Backwards Compatability of Standardizer

User bc9a7e94b9

28-04-2009 22:25:45


I have a standardizer configuration file, generated using an old version of ChemAxon (3.2.1), which I have included as an attachment.


I am working with JChem 5.1.3. (On Windows XP, 32 bit). In so far as I can tell from the documentation:

file:file:///C:/Program%20Files/ChemAxon/JChem/index.html (from the JChem README), this old configuration file should still work (i.e. add explicit hydrogens and clean up 2D co-ordinates etc.) when using the 'standardize' command line tool.

I've tried processing SDF files using this script, and I don't get any error messages.

However, I would appreciate knowing if any of the actions described in the file shouldn't work with JChem 5.1.3. (For instance, I believe Dehydrogenize is now superseded?)

Many thanks for any clarification.



ChemAxon e08c317633

29-04-2009 09:55:23


Yes, it will work, backward compatibility is maintained.

There is an error in you config file, in this line:

<Removal ID="removal" Method="keepLargest" Measure="keepLargest"/>

The Measure shoud be "atomCount" or "molMass", see the documentation.

After correction:

<Removal ID="removal" Method="keepLargest" Measure="atomCount"/> 

you can open the config file with the Standardizer GUI application (see the attached screenshot) and edit/save it.
