User 538416f930
10-04-2009 01:41:52
Can standardizer set, check, correct the valence from coordinates? I.e. in the attached example (sdf) one bond order in the aromatic system is incorrect and needs to be corrected; the only information are the coordinates. And in case of the pdb there are only coordinates. Bond orders should be determined using distances and angles.
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
16-04-2009 07:35:29
Thank you for reporting this issue, we could reproduce it and will fix it probably in the next major version.
Regarding Standardizer, it cannot fix these kinds of errors at the moment, though we are working on a fine structure checker framework that will be integrated in a future version of Standardizer. I can imagine a checker for this kind of error, but I am afraid, that it will not be among the first ones we will develop.
User 538416f930
16-04-2009 14:20:56
Thank you! This error was not introdcued by any ChemAxon tool; I was just wondering if Standardizer can fix it; I have one solution, but it is not optimal.