Cannot execute Standardizer.bat on the DOS level

User 773d472e7f

03-07-2016 07:46:17

I run CMD as admin on Windows 10 64 bit.

01.01.2016  18:03               200 setup.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.099 standardize
17.12.2015  03:01             3.676 standardize.bat
06.09.2013  14:17             4.987 standardizecopy.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.099 standedit
17.12.2015  03:01             3.676 standedit.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.106 structurechecker
17.12.2015  03:01             3.687 structurechecker.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             3.971 ward
17.12.2015  03:01             3.483 ward.bat
              88 Datei(en),        312.954 Bytes
               3 Verzeichnis(se), 243.007.434.752 Bytes frei

C:\Programme\chemaxon\JChem\bin>standardize.bat -h
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

See above I am in the right directory, but get this error message.

See below I tried if I could execute a bat file. This works.

1.01.2016  18:03               200 setup.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.099 standardize
17.12.2015  03:01             3.676 standardize.bat
06.09.2013  14:17             4.987 standardizecopy.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.099 standedit
17.12.2015  03:01             3.676 standedit.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             4.106 structurechecker
17.12.2015  03:01             3.687 structurechecker.bat
02.07.2016  20:34                20 text.bat
17.12.2015  03:01             3.971 ward
17.12.2015  03:01             3.483 ward.bat
              89 Datei(en),        312.974 Bytes
               3 Verzeichnis(se), 243.006.660.608 Bytes frei


C:\Programme\chemaxon\JChem\bin>echo "hello"   & pause
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .


I cannot run on the WIndows 10 64 bit computer the KNIME node with the command line of the standardizer. Everything works fine on Windows 8.1. I am pretty sure it was working on Windows 10. One day Icould not log into my domain user account. Maybe this created something weird. I see the same behaviour usina a local user account and the domain Administrator account.

I had to install a new license file. Standardizer works fine using the desktiop application.

Help is appreciated


ChemAxon e08c317633

07-07-2016 12:37:32

Alex, have you selected the "Inserting JChem scripts into PATH" option in JChem installer? See the 4th installer step here. If not, then try reinstalling JChem and select this option.

User 773d472e7f

11-07-2016 08:27:15

Reinstallation solved the problem.The cause of the problem was not discovered, because the application ran before on this computer.

Thanks a lot,
