User 773d472e7f
03-07-2016 07:46:17
I run CMD as admin on Windows 10 64 bit.
01.01.2016 18:03 200 setup.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.099 standardize
17.12.2015 03:01 3.676 standardize.bat
06.09.2013 14:17 4.987 standardizecopy.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.099 standedit
17.12.2015 03:01 3.676 standedit.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.106 structurechecker
17.12.2015 03:01 3.687 structurechecker.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 3.971 ward
17.12.2015 03:01 3.483 ward.bat
88 Datei(en), 312.954 Bytes
3 Verzeichnis(se), 243.007.434.752 Bytes frei
C:\Programme\chemaxon\JChem\bin>standardize.bat -h
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
See above I am in the right directory, but get this error message.
See below I tried if I could execute a bat file. This works.
1.01.2016 18:03 200 setup.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.099 standardize
17.12.2015 03:01 3.676 standardize.bat
06.09.2013 14:17 4.987 standardizecopy.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.099 standedit
17.12.2015 03:01 3.676 standedit.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 4.106 structurechecker
17.12.2015 03:01 3.687 structurechecker.bat
02.07.2016 20:34 20 text.bat
17.12.2015 03:01 3.971 ward
17.12.2015 03:01 3.483 ward.bat
89 Datei(en), 312.974 Bytes
3 Verzeichnis(se), 243.006.660.608 Bytes frei
C:\Programme\chemaxon\JChem\bin>echo "hello" & pause
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
I cannot run on the WIndows 10 64 bit computer the KNIME node with the command line of the standardizer. Everything works fine on Windows 8.1. I am pretty sure it was working on Windows 10. One day Icould not log into my domain user account. Maybe this created something weird. I see the same behaviour usina a local user account and the domain Administrator account.
I had to install a new license file. Standardizer works fine using the desktiop application.
Help is appreciated