Merging 2 documents DOM4J please help I'm getting lost

User 35bef27df0

02-05-2006 18:00:47

DOm4J can not merge 2 documents

setContent works but clears ALL previous contend

element.appendContent(Branch) has No result ???

are ther other rules to respect


<root><info a="original/></root>

append <info b="append" />

Element(Root/info) .asXML shows <info a="original/>

Element(Root/info).appendContent(branch(<info b='appen' />

just does not do anithing no errors no insert

static public void appenLIST(Branch nod,List branch,int counts)

{ int count=0;

if (!(Nod instanceof Element)) Nod=Nod.getParent();//force element

Element Parent=nod.getParent();

if (Parent!=null)Parent.remove(nod);//works

if (counts==0) //only for the first

while (count < br.size())

{ Branch lstitm=(Branch) branch.get(count);

// ((Element)nod).add(lstitm.detach()) ;//FAILS ONLY node NOT THE CONTENT IS COPIED

((Element) nod).appendContent(lstitm) ; //no result !!!????

System.out.print("\n"+((Element) Parent).getDocument().asXML());



ChemAxon a3d59b832c

03-05-2006 05:45:34


In this forum, we can only help in questions related to ChemAxon products. I suggest to approach the dom4j user list with your question:

Best regards,


18-06-2007 02:20:26

Is it really necessary to do it at the XML parsing level? There is a

requirement that an XML document contain just a single element at the top

level, so it is impossible to create a well-formed document that is the

composite of two other well-formed documents, unless you wrap the whole


in a dummy element. I don't think this is really what you want.

If all you want to do is use 2 source documents in your transformation, use

XSLT's document function. For example, to get the union of root nodes from


main source tree and another doc:

<xsl:variable name="bothDocs" select="/|document('otherdoc.xml')"/>

Then you can refer to $bothDocs/path/to/some/nodes. The initial slash

is the root node of the main source tree; "|" means union of two node-sets,

and the document() call returns the root node of otherdoc.xml.

You can, of course, use the document() function separately to access

just that document's node tree.


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