error in java : cannot access org.dom4j.Element

User 247a2c5018

07-04-2006 12:38:53

when i compile my programm, I have this error : cannot access org.dom4j.Element

file org/dom4j/Element.class not found

Standardizer std = new Standardizer(new File(stdrules));

where could I find the class org.dom4j.Element.class?

User 247a2c5018

07-04-2006 13:01:52

Ok I find it the the jchem/lib/dom4j.jar

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

10-04-2006 09:55:21

Yes, you are right, it is automatically included in your CLASSPATH when you run JChem scripts (e.g. react, standardize) but you have to include it in your CLASSPATH explicitly if you use our API.