User 535731474a
22-08-2014 16:37:05
It appears that standardizer is stripping stereochemistry from CHEMBL100.
Attached is the standardizer config we used and the original CHEMBL100 in sdf format ("chembl100_original.sdf")
User 535731474a
22-08-2014 16:37:05
It appears that standardizer is stripping stereochemistry from CHEMBL100.
Attached is the standardizer config we used and the original CHEMBL100 in sdf format ("chembl100_original.sdf")
ChemAxon d26931946c
25-08-2014 12:52:36
Hi Scott,
I think you've mixed up the original and the working files.
The problem is in the header line of the file:
This tells our importer to interpret the file as a 3D molecule, but the coordinates are missing for the third dimension, therefore the parity information is missing.
If you change this line to
then the stereo information is preserved.
I could not find this sdf file in ChemBl, all the downloaded files had the correct header line. Could you let us know how you've downloaded this file?
Best regards,