Problem regenerating structure table with custom standard

User 818520b6b8

15-12-2005 07:31:47


I have a smalll structure table with 200,000 structures.

I'm trying to regenerate it using a simple custom configuration file, but I'll never finish. It hangs, cpu is not working and database session is inactive.

Jchem 3.1.3

Java 1.4.1_02


Any ideas?

User 818520b6b8

15-12-2005 07:36:20

When I try to close Jchem Manager after cancelling the table regeneration I cannot. It's not responding.

Could it be something related to java memory management or java version?


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

15-12-2005 10:17:02


We could not reproduce the problem so far.

My first suspect is your Java version.

It is very old, and no longer supported by Sun.

It is probably unstable too.

Please upgrade to the latest Java version available at:

It the problem persists after Java upgrade, please let me know the following:

- Operating system

- Window manager if relevant (e.g. Linux)

- JDBC driver version

The JDBC driver version can be determined from the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file that is present in the .jar or .zip file.

Best regards,
