User 05d9866f9b
17-06-2013 16:31:21
I've learned that I can defined standardizing rules with exclusion :
<Sgroups ID="ungroup" Act="ungroup" Exclude="NH2,SH,COOH"/>
First question:
There is somewhere an example like
<Sgroups ID="ungroup" Act="ungroup" Exclude="NH2,SH,COOH,MyGroup"/>
but I don't know how/where to define my own exclusions
Second question:
Is there a documentation /examples how to define this ungroup with structure checking means within PL/SQL
I now that I can e.g. use for structure checking/fixing
(select id,
(jc_evaluate_x(structure,'chemTerms:check("abbrevGroup")')) as check_msg,
jc_evaluate_x(structure,'chemTerms:fix("abbrevGroup->expandgroup")') as fixed_struc,
structure as org_structure
from test_my_structs)
but I would like to define exceptions here as well and couldn't find anything in the documentation.
Is it possible to define this for structurechecking/fixing too?
Thanks for your help