Remove Explicit Hs removes stereocenters w/ no explicit H's

User 81a38f9467

13-03-2013 02:32:31

I am using Standardizer 5.12.0.  When the attached compound is run through Standardizer with Remove Explicit Hydrogens with the Wedged box checked, the two stereo centers that do not have explicit hydrogens attached get converted to flat bonds.  This is definitely wrong.  Furthermore, none of the explicit hydrogens are removed or converted to implicit hydrogens.  The same results are obtained if both the Lonely and the Wedged boxes are checked.

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

13-03-2013 16:26:12

Thank you for the bug report.

We will fix this issue ASAP most likely in 5.12.1 

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

19-03-2013 09:53:48

The bugfix is not that easy as it looked for the first sight. We have the 5.12.1 commit deadline today, so the fix can go to 5.12.2 soonest.

Sorry for the inconvenience.