User 73ad691ca3
06-02-2013 14:14:24
Dear Chemaxon Team,
We are getting the below exception when we try the below Jchem Structure Checker command line to check and fix the error in the sd file, where the check and fix options are defined in the xml config file.
Command line:
structurechecker -c checker_configuration.xml -m fix -f sdf -t separated -o out.sdf -l outlog.sdf -rf outreport.sdf input.sdf
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at chemaxon.core.calculations.Parity.getParity(
at chemaxon.struc.MoleculeGraph.getParity(
at chemaxon.fixers.WedgeCleanFixer.fix(
at chemaxon.checkers.runner.AdvancedCheckerRunner.fix(
at chemaxon.checkers.runner.AdvancedCheckerRunner.fix(
at chemaxon.checkers.StructureCheck.processInput(
at chemaxon.checkers.StructureCheck.main(
Version: structure checker 5.10.0
Please look into this issue, and reply us the solution ASAP.
Thanks & Regards,
D. Senthil kumar vijai.