what do we have licenses for?

User 870ab5b546

22-04-2008 01:17:32


When I look in my licenses.dat file, I see this:






























(Codes have been hidden to protect the innocent.) Yet when I go to Marvin 4.1.13 or 5.0.1 and look to see what license keys I have, Marvin seems to think that I have only the Protonation license key. Yet when I use JChem, it uses other tools like ResonancePlugin, GeometryPlugin, etc. without protest. Is there a way to tell from Marvin which plugins JChem can use? They both use the same licenses.dat file, AFAIK.

P.S. Marvin won't let me take more than one resonance structure in a single session, so maybe I really don't have the ResonancePlugin license.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

22-04-2008 14:04:27

Hi Bob,

do you have this problem locally or on server?

Have you installed any new type license.cxl files yet? (If yes, then the licenses.dat can be ignored.)

If you launch the Chemaxon License Manager (from the help menu of MarvinSketch for instance), it lists (on the License OverView panel) all available licenses that the applications with version 5.0 or higher can use.

A major difference is that versions before 5.0 allow one calculation without license, while 5.0 and above not.

Is this licenses.dat file in the userhome/(.)chemaxon subdirectory?

Sorry for the possibly unnecessary questions, but to help in this, I need some more details.

Kind regards,


User 870ab5b546

22-04-2008 15:22:50

We are delivering Marvin from a server. The licenses.dat file is also on the server, in ~root/.chemaxon .

Although we have Marvin 5.0 available on one test page, we mostly still use Marvin 4.1.13. But I don't know whether we have installed a licenses.cxl file. Where would it be located? Would Marvin 4.1.13 use the .cxl file also?

I am not concerned about the Marvin licenses. I *am* concerned about JChem. We have not used JChem 5.0 at all, although we have installed it; we are still using JChem 3.2.12. Would it get its license information from licenses.dat? How about from licenses.cxl? Are there restrictions on JChem doing calculations without the appropriate licenses?

ChemAxon 909aee4527

24-04-2008 12:29:32

Hi Bob,

the new licenses.cxl file are only understood by 5.0 and upper versions, and they do not affect older versions. It is located beside the licenses.dat file if you have one.

In JChem versions before 5.0 the licenses were stored in the database.

They were installed with the JChem Manager, thus if you wish to use 3.2.12, you have to install the licenses.dat file with it.

The versions below 5.0 allow a single calculation without any license.

Please tell me if you need more clarification or help, because I am not sure I've correctly understood your question.

Kind regards,


User 870ab5b546

24-04-2008 13:23:16

(1) OK, so the JChem 3.x licenses, unlike the Marvin licenses, are stored in the database. Could you please give step-by-step instructions for reading the database and finding out which licenses we have? Again, JChem 3.x, not JChem 5.0.

(2) Is there a separate license that covers the ResonancePlugin? Or is the ResonancePlugin covered by a license that also covers other plugins?

(3) If we have a license for Reactor, and Reactor calls another plugin such as pKaPlugin, ChargePlugin, or GeometryPlugin in the course of applying reactivity or selectivity rules, do we need separate licenses for those other plugins, or does the Reactor license cover these situations?

ChemAxon 909aee4527

25-04-2008 05:51:19

(1)We're checking the precision of the online documentation, I will return with the answer a bit later.

(2) Yes, you need Isomers Plugin Group license for Resonance Plugin. It is not included in your list, so I will ask Alex to send you an updated license file.

(3) Since we are with versions prior to 5.0, the answer is that you need separate licenses in this case for each plugin Reactor uses.

User 870ab5b546

25-04-2008 11:38:18

(2) That's very strange, because we have never noticed any limitation on the number of times that our ACE installation can call the ResonancePlugin. It was only when we migrated the software to a different location that we noticed a limitation. Can you explain?

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

28-04-2008 15:32:04

Hi Bob,

(1): Actually only 3 licenses were stored in the database before version 5.0:

- JChem Base (maximum searches per minute)

- JChem Cartridge for Oracle

- JKlustor

These could be set in the "Options" dialog of JChemManager

All other licenses (pKa, Charge, etc. ...) were managed the usual way:

A "licenses.dat" file had to be present under a "chemaxon" (Windows) or ".chemaxon" (Linux) directory in the user's home.

Please not that the server application may run under a different user than you have installed the licenses for, so it's user home may be a different directory.

Please also be aware that the server side application most likely uses a different licenses.dat than the applets.

Best regards,


User 870ab5b546

29-04-2008 13:03:21

This is getting way too complicated.

Our Tomcat is owned by root. In ~root, there is a directory called .chemaxon, which contains licenses.dat. Would this be the licenses.dat that includes the JChem licenses? Or would the JChem licenses be located elsewhere? If so, where?

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

29-04-2008 13:11:03

Would this be the licenses.dat that includes the JChem licenses?
Yes, all licenses except the ones which are stored in the database.
Or would the JChem licenses be located elsewhere? If so, where?
In the database there are 3 separate licenses in the property table (usually "JChemProperties"), as I have mentioned. These can be set in the JChemManager GUI.

Best regards,


User 870ab5b546

30-04-2008 11:51:36

bobgr wrote:
(2) Is there a separate license that covers the ResonancePlugin? Or is the ResonancePlugin covered by a license that also covers other plugins?
Just to clear up this thread, I am now told that the ResonancePlugin is covered by the TautomerizationPlugin license.