Accessing / opening the library of reactions for Reactor

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

08-04-2008 16:52:38

The Reactor Reaction Library ("chemaxon_reaction_library.mrv") is included in the JChem package within a password protected zip file (""). The password to unzip is "rctnspr"

You can download JChem from the following URL:


User fe7fd0dcfa

12-08-2009 14:20:31

I am trying to install the file.  Although I can find this file it will not unzip on my mac pro intell computer- it does not ask for the password- just gives an error message. I assume this is why the metbolizer is not working?





User fe7fd0dcfa

12-08-2009 14:35:11

I solved one problem- to unzip a password protected zip with os x mac you need the free program called unarchiver. This has unzipped the chemaxon_reaction file but the "metabolizer" program still appears to be nonfunctional, i.e., most menu items are not selectable (e.g., licence).


Any help in getting the metabolizer functioning would be appreciated.



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

12-08-2009 15:10:38

Hi Bill,

Regarding the Metabolizer problem I suggest to write your technical question in detail in this Support forum:

Please don't forget to include the sofware version and other relevant information about your system.

Best regards,
