ChemAxon's Java Components in a Heterogeneous, Server-Cen...

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

29-03-2005 09:44:32

Title: ChemAxon's Java Components in a Heterogeneous, Server-Centric Application Environment

Authors: Mark Runyan, Richard Sandstrom, Julie Myhre, Alex Tulinsky

Institutions: CTI Scientific Systems

Abstract: CTI’s Scientific Systems group was challenged with the task of building cost-effective cheminformatics applications that can be easily deployed to a world-wide enterprise. We have met this challenge with a data warehousing architecture and open-source-based Java development infrastructure, with targeted use of commercial tools and libraries. ChemAxon’s JChem and Marvin Java libraries provide core functionality for the molecular structure component of the data warehouse, the Java middle tier, and a browser-hosted user interface. This presentation will demonstrate web applications that use the Marvin sketcher for a web-based structure search, integrate JChem structure search results into a large and complex data model, and perform server-side rendering of structure images. In addition we will describe a mechanism for automated import to JChem’s structure tables from an MDL-based chemical registration system.