ChemAxon b124dd5f17
29-03-2005 09:43:07
Title: Using ChemAxon Toolkits in the GNF Lead Discovery Database
Authors: Hayk Asatryan, Dimitri Petrov, S. Frank Yan, Andrey Santrosyan, Kaisheng Chen, Shumei Jiang, Jeff Janes, Yingyao Zhou
Institutions: Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
Abstract: The informatics team at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) has been developing a comprehensive lead discovery database (LDDB) in order to support an aggressive drug discovery portfolio. The chemical structure searching capability of LDDB has been supported by the combination of Marvin and Daylight cartridge until 2004. However, we are migrating into an exclusive ChemAxon platform. This presentation intends to share with the user group our experience in using different vendor products, while focusing on the issues related to our cartridge migration process. Examples illustrating how ChemAxon tools are used in LDDB are also presented.
Authors: Hayk Asatryan, Dimitri Petrov, S. Frank Yan, Andrey Santrosyan, Kaisheng Chen, Shumei Jiang, Jeff Janes, Yingyao Zhou
Institutions: Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
Abstract: The informatics team at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) has been developing a comprehensive lead discovery database (LDDB) in order to support an aggressive drug discovery portfolio. The chemical structure searching capability of LDDB has been supported by the combination of Marvin and Daylight cartridge until 2004. However, we are migrating into an exclusive ChemAxon platform. This presentation intends to share with the user group our experience in using different vendor products, while focusing on the issues related to our cartridge migration process. Examples illustrating how ChemAxon tools are used in LDDB are also presented.