ChemicalInventory - Part 1

User eda6f877b4

28-02-2005 10:09:06

ChemicalInventory is basically what the name says… a chemical inventory manager application.

The application is web based, and all server side code is Java (J2EE).


This project has been started as an open source project, see:


This said there is more to it than just the chemical inventory functionalities…

Marvin Applets and JChem base is a valuable part of the application, adding power to the search and display options of the application.

The application offers a lot of functionalities and a few are mentioned here:

- Inventory manager.

- Structure search for compounds

- Creation of new containers, compound, users, suppliers, locations…..

- Check-out, check-in and transfer of containers

- Report functionalities, for PDF generation of valuable data

- Flexible location structure

- Label Print for containers

- History tracking for changes to essential data.

- User management

- …………. And lots more….

NEXT: View the second thread in this forum 'ChemicalInventory - Part 2' for more information.....

For more screen shots and a presentation download the attached, presentations or visit to download the open source.

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

02-04-2006 13:35:57

Live demo: