ChemAxon 43e6884a7a
20-10-2004 15:33:58
AurQUEST is the query management software for the Aureus Pharma's proprietary knowledge management platform From AurQUEST you can extract information pertinent to drug discovery including all pertinent and chemical and biological information about drugs and biological processes in a coherent manner from the AurSCOPE databases.
JChem Base is applied.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
25-08-2005 08:30:37
This screenshot shows the Aureus Pharma product AurQUEST where Marvin, MarvinView and JCHEM from ChemAxon are utilized. Using AurQUEST, a researcher can query Aureus Pharma's AurSCOPE knowledgebases to gain both chemical & biological insights to help aid in accelerating drug discovery. Using Marvin, a user can sketch a chemical compound of interest and search using JCHEM's substructure or other chemical searching methods to find compounds of interest. In this example the chemical searching has been combined with a biological query in which we are searching for ligands that that have been tested to bind the G-Protein Couple Receptor target Adenosine A1. The results of the query are visualized using MarvinView on the right handside of the graphic.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
25-08-2005 08:33:24
This screenshot shows the Aureus Pharma product AurQUEST where Marvin, MarvinView and JCHEM from ChemAxon are utilized. Using AurQUEST, a researcher can query Aureus Pharma's AurSCOPE knowledgebases to gain both chemical & biological insights to help aid in accelerating drug discovery. Using Marvin, a user can sketch a chemical compound of interest and search using JCHEM's substructure or other chemical searching methods to find compounds of interest. In this example the chemical searching has been combined with a biological query in which we are searching for ligands that that have been tested to bind to a variety of G-Protein Couple Receptor targets and have also been tested in in vivo experiments The results of the query are visualized using MarvinView on the right handside of the graphic