ACE Organic (previous name: EPOCH)

User 870ab5b546

31-08-2004 00:19:24

The Electronic Program for Organic Chemistry Homework (EPOCH) is a Java-based Web application that uses MarvinSketch and JChem as integral components. EPOCH permits students to draw organic structures to posed questions and to receive response-specific feedback if their response is incorrect. Find it at

EPOCH's successful implementation is due in substantial part to ChemAxon's enthusiastic cooperation. In fact, I have been astounded by the high level of customer service provided by ChemAxon. My needs as an academic are quite different from those of the larger, paying customer base of most software companies, so I find that many companies are unwilling to entertain my suggestions for new features, and even bug reports are met with stony silence and a long fix-time. Not so ChemAxon! Every time I find a minor bug or suggest a new feature, ChemAxon jumps right on it, fixing bugs within a few days and adding new features, even major ones, within a few weeks. It has been an absolute delight to work with this group of professionals who truly care about their users and the product they are creating.

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

08-12-2005 17:05:07

The new URL for ACE Organic is:
