ChemAxon b124dd5f17
30-08-2004 08:03:06
About ChemAxon's free Academic Package
The program aims to give schools and universities the basic tools to develop interactive chemistry teaching resources and advanced tools to enable students and staff to perform original research from within a single platform. Under the program all of ChemAxons tools, forum support and access to upgrades are available at no charge. To see the current subscribers listing please visit this page
How to obtain and maintain a license for free software under ChemAxon's Academic Package
- Login or register and login and return here. To register follow the link at the bottom of the page.
- Read and accept the conditions of offer.
- Complete the application and submit.
- Your application will be reviewed and a link to a limited access forum topic will be sent, the license file (for all licensed products) is attached to the forum post. We may need additional details during the acceptance process.
- Once your application is accepted it becomes your license.
- You must maintain the accuracy of your application. You will need to amend your application if you change or introduce new software use. You will also need to amend your application to inform of implementations or articles generated with data from these tools. To review or amend this application and license please login and visit this page and click the link at the bottom of page - you will not be able to access your license without being logged in.
- To access the software you should visit this download page and select the software required. Please use your forum login - if requested
If you have any questions about how to apply for, maintain or access software provided under the Academic Package conditions please visit our Academic Package support forum.
Conditions of offer
- The Academic Package is only available to academic organisations.
- ChemAxon makes no charge for the provided software offered within the Academic Package.
- ChemAxon makes no charge for software upgrades or support provided via the Technical Support Forum for software provided within the Academic Package.
- ChemAxon offers all software currently sold by ChemAxon within the Academic Package. For a full list of products please visit this link.
- Where the Academic Package license is granted for teaching purposes the license keys provided can be distributed to current members of the department stated in the application. Where the Academic Package license is granted for research purposes the license keys provided are issued to named individuals. The license keys cannot be transfered beyond individuals and groups identified here.
- Where the software provided under the Academic Package is being used for teaching the term of the license will be ongoing.
- Where the software provided under the Academic Package is being used for research the term of the license will be two years. Subsequent licenses will be provided if publications can be demonstrated and ChemAxon is correctly cited.
- With the exception of fees related to tuition neither the academic organisation, commercial or academic partners nor any of it's employees will receive funds or payments in kind related to the performance of the provided software.
- No products, applications, services or any other delivery of software performance which contain the provided software are allowed without the written permission of ChemAxon.
- All implementations of provided software should (when possible) credit ChemAxon by placing a logo (image here) with a link to, on all the relevant pages or sections of the implementation where the software is providing content.
- Any publications or presentations based upon implementations or data generated by provided software must cite ChemAxon. For specific citation information please see our details located here.
- Applicants and license holders must remain familiar with the conditions of the Academic Package and maintain the accuracy of their applications according to the requested information and respond to requests to confirm the accuracy of application details. For a history of all changes to these conditions please visit Conditions history
- ChemAxon's Academic Package is a community driven effort, licensees should, whenever possible, make efforts to support other ChemAxon users through contributing code to the "Contribute" thread of the Technical Support Forum and through offering advice to other ChemAxon users on the Technical Support Forum.
- ChemAxon reserves the right to alter the conditions of the Academic Package at any time. Any changes to these conditions will be posted to the appropriate section of the Technical Support Forum.
If you have any questions on the Academic Package conditions or any other comments please visit our Academic Package support forum.
I have read and agree with these conditions. (Click to go to the application form or maintain existing license)