ChemAxon b124dd5f17
08-10-2004 14:42:38
To register and submit abstract for the European UGM 2012 please visit this online registration form. To do the same for the US UGM 2012 please visit this registration form.
If you regularly login to the support forum, your forum username will be autofilled in the registration. Once submitted you can browse our previous meetings.
Once you have submitted your registration you will receive email notification of acceptance, including a registration code, and details for payment. Using the code you can return to your registration after submission, perhaps to add or modify your presentation details.
Please note that if you submitted an oral presentation abstract we have to accept it. You will be notified in email about it.
The cost of the 2 day User Group Meeting is $500 for corporate attendees and $250 for academics.
The cost for the Training day $550 for corporate attendees and $275 for academics. The cost includes all breaks and the meeting banquet.
For submission guidelines please visit this forum thread
If you have any questions of comments on this please review the Q and C threads of this forum or alternatively contact János Fejérvári "jfejervari" or on +361 453 0435.