ChemAxon b124dd5f17
08-10-2004 11:29:48
I intend to list here proposed topics for the workshops.
Provisionally the workshops will take place in the afternoon, but this will depend on how innundated we are with user presentations. I think we should assume 4 X 90 or 120 minute workshops over the 2 days.
We could also think about breaking the general themes for each day. A natural break would be Marvin/JChem Base/Standardiser/JKlustor for 1 day and drug discovery tools (Reactor/Screen/Fragmenter...)
Provisionally the workshops will take place in the afternoon, but this will depend on how innundated we are with user presentations. I think we should assume 4 X 90 or 120 minute workshops over the 2 days.
We could also think about breaking the general themes for each day. A natural break would be Marvin/JChem Base/Standardiser/JKlustor for 1 day and drug discovery tools (Reactor/Screen/Fragmenter...)