
ChemAxon b124dd5f17

17-08-2004 11:22:52


This is a private forum only viewable by invited members for UGM Organising Committee works. I hope that this technology can handle all aspects of the works but so far it appears useful, robust and fairly secure. Introductions:

The ChemAxon people here are:From out 'there'As far as the scope of this group - I think the main aim is to improve the UGM for all users. Given that for this year this will be the first - we should be able to achieve this :).

As far as operations go - I would like to have the forum default post an email all OG members (forum moderators) for each new post in this private forum. If you have a problem with this let me know - but if we can accept default email then at least there are no excuses for 'not knowing'. I would like the forum to be the primary note of record and ask that results from other communications be reported here.

To close, I would like to thank all concerned for their time and efforts and wish us patience and luck for the future.

Alex Allardyce

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

15-10-2004 13:57:35

Hi Guys,

This is the first UGM update.

Status: The forum threads are in place, the call for papers email template is written and over the next few days I will be sending out the "call for papers"(first call completed-late October 2004). The venue (Gellert Hotel) is correct and I have an interesting location to visit on Monday for the banquet - we may justify a string quartet - its that stylish!

Issues to discuss

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

24-01-2005 15:12:41

HI Guys, I dust off the Organising Committee with this post, I trust your festives were and the year is in focus.

I performed a fast survey to 300 contacts last week, to calm tension and confirm interest. The results were promising.Other issuesFYI

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

14-06-2005 09:26:32

Hi Guys,

I write to thank you for your efforts and forward the event questionnaire and attendee listing.

In short the event went fine (no unexpected features) and the feedback was most enthusiastic. We are debating currently when to hold the next event and will come back to you to see if you will assist in the organisation of that.

In the meantime thanks again for helping make a most useful and memorable event

Best regards


PS for those of you who could not attend please let me know if you wish to access the pictures which are in a hidden area of the forum (I will need your forum username to enable)

PPS The Archive - including links to all presentations - is available here