details about single and non-commercial research

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

21-08-2012 10:48:49

I will start a position as a juniour group leader in academia at 1st october, doing my own and independent research and I am interested inĀ  using your software. I have two questions regarding your academic licence model.

For research
* Regarding single user:
I will also start to build my own group having also Ph.students. Can they also use my licence or do they have to apply for their own licences?

*Regarding noncommercial:
What happens if the research using the academic and noncomercial research licence leads to a very interesting new drug candidate with commercial potential?

email submission

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

21-08-2012 10:54:54

For research
* Regarding single user:
I will also start to build my own group having also Ph.students. Can they also use my licence or do they have to apply for their own licences?

Yes post graduates are not covered for sharing - it is a personal license. Each student will need to apply, it will be valiud for 2 years and they need to add ChemAxon mentioned citations to renew beyond this.

*Regarding noncommercial:
What happens if the research using the academic and noncomercial research
licence leads to a very interesting new drug candidate with commercial

Then you should license commercially - the academic package is for non commercial research, if the aim of the project is a commercial one (whether successful or not) the intention is commercial - so is not covered by the academic package. We have 50% discounts (from already reasonable rates) for university commercial research use.

Notice also that none of the academic package licenses allow sharing of common data or building systems to gather or share data - I expect this would be a bigger problem with a concerted effort and the primary reason to go straight to discounted commercial provision
