ChemAxon b124dd5f17
01-09-2005 16:32:23
Policy on the Academic package online use of calculator plugins.
The Academic Package license is valid for performing structure based prediction of structures hosted at the academic institution. Data can be generated in real time (or pre-processed and stored) and displayed to any user.
Where a Marvin implementation is openly accessible over the internet Calculator Plugins should not be enabled through adding license keys on the server side.
The Academic Package license is valid for performing structure based prediction of structures hosted at the academic institution. Data can be generated in real time (or pre-processed and stored) and displayed to any user.
Where a Marvin implementation is openly accessible over the internet Calculator Plugins should not be enabled through adding license keys on the server side.
- For teaching purposes Academic Package licenses can be transfered to students belonging to the licensee's department. See condition 5 here
- Elemental analysis Calculator Plugin does not require a license key and can be provided
- All users can call 1 Calculator Plugin process per session (this is the current Marvin default)
- Our standard error message when no key exists has been changed to
"No valid license key has been found for XXXXXXXPlugin.
The maximal number of calls (1) without a license key has been reached.
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain a license key.
Students and academic researchers can obtain license keys for free through our Academic Package, for more information please visit: ." - Academic (or any user) with the correct license keys installed on their desktop will be able to use the Calculator Plugins of the implementation or any online Marvin implementaton. Listing of some public implementations
- We would prefer - if possible - that the tools menu remain active. In addition to the elemental analysis tool and the value of the single plugins call, the error message ultimately generated will help absorb support requests and will encourage academic users to recieve their own Academic Package licenses - which will be useful in visiting other Marvin imlpementations online.