User 02d47ec30e
19-06-2010 22:21:06
Hi maybe sombody can help me
I started to play with WebServices (installing them, creating new db with jchem, some updates to config.xml file to get proper db name user passwd port and so on). The tomcat (from JChemWebServices) was started as root and runs properly. Using description from jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html I tested tomcat<->mysql connection.
When I call my test server with I can see the menu of chemaxon web-app however after short time I see dialog
"No license file found.
Product name: Web Services Server
License path: << empty even if there is a license.cxl file in /root/.chemaxon
I started /opt/JChem/bin/licence script and pointed it to my license file. There is a long list of software and all of them have status "To be installed"; Licence Term "Academic.." expiration somewhen in 2011.
When I click "Install" all fileds of status are "Invalid".
What's the reason?
Now, I can see that there is a column Restriction which for academic license is always "Server use not allowed". If this mean that I can't use it for tomcat with web services than how am I supposed to use/test it?
thanks in advanced