Calculator Plugins in the license

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

25-08-2009 18:15:59

 "Does the academic package include the license for Calculator Partitioning Plugin Group?"

The academic package includes access to all functionality, with the exception of a limitation on the number of searches per minute in the JChem BAse and JChem Cartridge pieces. Calculator PLugins are not grouped into one group but mirror the grouping found in the Marvin menu system.

If your academic package license is not enabling the plugin funcitonality let me know


User 2c615098f3

25-08-2009 18:59:24

I have an academic package for Marvin, however, some of the Calculator plugins are not enabled with the license - specifically the Partitioning, Isomers, Geomtry, Refractivity, Markush Enumeration and Structural Frameworks Plugin groups.  Are they part of the academic package?  If not, how can I get licenses for them.

Thank you

User 2c615098f3

25-08-2009 23:49:17

I noticed that other applications are also not fully enabled.  For example, Metabolizer runs but all functions are blanked out.  I notice in the license manager details this program along with Fragmentor and the Calculation Plugins I mentioned prior are NOT checked.  Are these part of the academic package?


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

26-08-2009 06:24:15


Give me a little time with this


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

26-08-2009 06:43:10


I have re-generated the academic package licenses. Can you download and instal the latest version of the license and try again. Come back if this is not helping.

For Metabolizer the license is included but the product is still alpha so this may be a 'feature'.

For Metabolizer issues I do not expect this to be a licensing related issue so if this does not fix it can you ask in the technical support forum



User 2c615098f3

20-11-2009 23:05:57

I have an academic license and am using IJC on a mac.  I am trying to do some calculations (log P, log D, etc.) but have no licenses for those particular calculations.  Are they part of the academic license?  If not, whom do I contact to obtain them?  Thank you.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

21-11-2009 09:34:39


You should have a license to do this as a part of the academic package, all functionality is included.

Did you see the license handling pages of the help, see here.

There is also a possibility that you are using an old license or even using the older license key technology we used up to version 5. For the latest license keys for teaching please login to the forum (forgot password) and see this forum post, for research see this forum post.

Let me know if this helps out or give more information (version numbers license dates) in your follow up. Do also notice the technical support forum - perhaps this is a bug and we have already discussed/solved
