User 3ef53c2881
24-01-2009 07:06:57
hello Alex
i successfully entered to the forum from my home computer. It looks like we have a problem of access from our university network.
I completed the profile and after submission I now have a licence number 3917.
What do I have to do now ? I still do not have access to the academic licence, I still get a message indicating that I was working with the trial version
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
24-01-2009 07:40:04
HI Martine,
Glad this is going forward (sideways).
About the access problem, can you report this to your system admin to help your colleagues and yourself in the future.
About licensing, well you need to apply for the academic package. To do this please login at the forum (if not already logged in) and then visit
this link and make sure the conditions are suitable, if so then accept and complete the application. I will be able to send a link to the license file upon receipt of the submission, if all is well.
FYI a listing of current subscribers is
Please post back if there are any problems, also do let me know what your admin says, this may be more common than Grenoble.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
24-01-2009 07:55:22
I just saw your application and accepted. Please follow the instructions in the mail to get the license.
Good works
User 9fd1a0a044
29-01-2009 08:49:48
I registered on chemaxon and downloaded its product but still didnt recieved any license file or instructions. Its already 4 days since i applied. please send me the license file for jchem.
username: gauravnandrajog
vishnu _at_
please reply soon
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
29-01-2009 11:00:27
You will need a license to run some functionality of the downloaded software. If you are academic then you should apply separately (beyond the forum registration for downloading).
To apply can you login to the forum and visit
link and if suitable, accept and
complete the application. I will be able to send a link to the license
file upon receipt of the submission, if all is well.
I confirm I cannot see any academic license for user name "gauravnandrajog"
User 9fd1a0a044
30-01-2009 15:01:23
I have submitted that application too but still didnt recieved any license. please send the license as soon as possible.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
30-01-2009 15:03:55
I am not sure what happened the first time but I just accepted your application (arrived in the last few minutes). IF you have not multiple usernames then when you accept the terms of the academic package you will be taken back to your application form, so I fear your first application was lost.
Should be all well now