Licenses for JChem/Marvin v5+ and Instant JChem v2.3+

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

19-05-2008 17:34:07

A new license system has been introduced for all versions from JChem 5, Marvin 5 and Instant JChem 2.3 and newer which requires action to continue Academic Package functionality.

You can use the license keys already provided to enable the latest releases however from September 30th, 2008 you will need a valid license file to access functionality currently provided.

For the latest license keys for teaching please login to the forum (forgot password) and see this forum post, for research see this forum post.

Please download the license files attached to the forum post and install, for help with working with license files see the Help in the application, this Documentation webpage or at the support forum, either general license technical support or at the Academic Package QnA forum.

Academic Package Research subscribers should update the "ChemAxon cited publications" information of their Academic Package application to enable a full 2 year license term.