Markush Enumaration

User 2881c56d10

11-04-2007 10:15:03

Please Help me out with the enumaration of the Markush Structures of the Cmemicals..

I am usnig the student licencse of JChem Package.

Please help ASAP

Shreyas Karnik

dypbbi _at_

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

13-04-2007 13:14:29

Hi Shreyas,

You can use the "enumerate.bat" and "count.bat" command-line tools from the JChem distribution. Without argument they give a help. We will send you the additional required license keys in email.

We plan to move the functionality to a calculation plugin soon, so you will be able to enumerate Markush structures straight from the Marvin GUI from version 4.2.

Best regards,


ChemAxon a3d59b832c

13-04-2007 16:09:23

There is also an alpha version of Marvin where the Markush enumeration plugin is already available. You can access it here:

In that version, Markush enumeration can be used through menu "Tools > Markush".

I hope this helps.


User 2881c56d10

16-04-2007 06:57:45

Szabolcs wrote:
There is also an alpha version of Marvin where the Markush enumeration plugin is already available. You can access it here:

In that version, Markush enumeration can be used through menu "Tools > Markush".

I hope this helps.

Thank you...

It helped....