how and where can I download the software

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

08-09-2004 14:50:41

Recieved via email
how and where can I download the software
If you visit the information page for the Academic Package at, you will see in the under the section "How to obtain and maintain a license for free software under ChemAxon's Academic Package" the links for "Marvin" and "JChem" (repeated here) , these links will take you to the download pages for the software. You will need to register to enter the download area and the instructions for download registration are included.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

15-10-2004 10:31:41

Recieved via email

I got a trouble when I download the chemaxon software. It asks me the usename and password to download it. I use my forum usename but it doesn't work. So could you kindly tell me how can download the software ?

At this time you need to register separately to recieve a username and password to access the restricted download area, this is a different username and password to your forum registration username and password. Appologies for this and we are changing this now so that you will only need your forum username and password for all access...but in the meantime...


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-03-2005 11:43:35

We have modified the download proceedure at ChemAxon.

When asked to provide login details during a download process please use your Technical Support Forum username and password. For those users who have downloaded previously, their previous details have been used to create a Technical Support Forum account.

If you have any problems with downloading or loggin into your Academic Package application/license, please post a new comment

User fdfcc2e561

14-11-2005 12:23:42

I'm sorry ,but I fail to download any software.I find nowhere to fill in usename and password on the page,

I need Marvin 4.0.3

The firewall is already shut down.

Can anyone help me out ? Maybe you can mail me with and marvin-all-4.0.3.tar.gz attached.

Thank you in advance~!

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

14-11-2005 12:36:46

Hi Huangliangliang,

Ordinarily, once you select the flavour of Marvin you require (beans/platform etc) you will be taken to a login page (if you have not already logged in) where you can enter your username and password before the download commences.

Another way to do this is to login at this forum then navigate to the download link and begin the download. Your login will be good for the download session.

This should solve your problem, come back if not.
