tring to obtaine academic licence

User 56aceeacb4

01-11-2016 12:41:17


I'm trying to apply for academic licence for Marvin sketch and I found some problems, the bouton of apply in the and doesn't work

I'am PhD student in MY ISMAIL UNIVERSITY MEKNES MOROCCO and I require a research license. 

can you help me to obtaine the licence please? 


ChemAxon 0265132c1a

02-11-2016 11:44:15

Dear Hanane,

I am not sure what did go wrong when you tried to apply for our academic program. Can you please try it again following these steps - maybe you missed something:

  1. Register
    on our website - if you did not do so yet.

  2. After you activated your account, you should apply
    for an academic license

  3. We will get back to you in a couple of working days with an
    answer about your license.

Let me know if this is not clear or not working.


User 56aceeacb4

02-11-2016 22:28:15

thank you