Academic License - More Details please

User 60bcaa0502

30-04-2015 08:43:54


Our institution (Eskitis - name on the old license) used to have a commercial license because we were partnered with a commercial company. This was back in 2010 and the company has since left and we have no more affiliation with the company. The license is out of date. We are apart of Griffith University. 

We are looking to obtain the academic package but have a few questions regarding the license:

1. Is the license per person or is there an institution license (i.e we get one license but the group can use)?

2. Is Marvin JS apart of the academic package, actually what products does the academic package contain? 

Sorry but I am a bit confused on the whole structure of the products

Thank you in advance



ChemAxon 0265132c1a

22-10-2015 14:06:56

Hi Paul,

I'm so sorry for the late answer - your message got stuck in our system...

Anyway - your question is really valid. I try to sum it up quickly for easier understanding:

Are the academic licenses for individuals or for an entire organization?

We have 3 major academic license types and the difference is actually exactly this there, since they all cover pretty much the same ChemAxon products:

  1. Academic Research license: This is individual, cannot be shared.

  2. Academic Teaching license: This is also for a named individual, but can be shared with a class.

  3. Commercial Academic License: This has a cost (around $500 per user), and covers research groups or even entire organizations too - depending on the agreement.

What ChemAxon capabilities are covered in the academic package?

Generally we include all ChemAxon products in the academic license that does not require server use, or it is not designed for collaboration. Marvin JS is a JavaScript based drawing tool that first has to be embedded into a website - that's the reason we did not include it into our academic package. These products can be accessed with an academic license:

MarvinSketch Instant JChem Instant JChem VIZ JChem Base
Standardizer Screen Reactor JKlustor
Metabolizer Markush Search Name to Structure Document to Structure
JChem for Office JChem Web Services Structure Checker MCES
3D Screen Molecular descriptors and fingerprints Physchem calculators Markush Editor
Markush Enumeration NMR Predictor


If we release a new product that will be part of the academic package in the meantime, you can automatically update your license and have the newly added tool available too.

I hope this is not extremely very too late, and you can still make use of my answer.
