User 4f9758e627
19-02-2016 12:59:24
I've tried to install PostgreSQL Cartridge following the documentation instructions, but somehow i get this error :
jchem=# SELECT 'C'::Molecule('sample')|<|'CC'::Molecule;
ERREUR: ThriftLink.cpp:93 Transport exception: host: localhost, port: 9090, message: connect() failed: Connexion refusée
LIGNE 1 : SELECT 'C'::Molecule('sample')|<|'CC'::Molecule;
I probably miss something but i can't figure it out...
I use PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.8 with posgresql-9.4 and apache2 on Debian 8.0
Thanks for your help
ChemAxon abe887c64e
19-02-2016 13:43:28
Dear Customer,
Thank you for trying JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge. Have started the jchem-psql service to run?
service jchem-psql init
service jchem-psql start
Thank you
User 4f9758e627
19-02-2016 14:22:40
Thank you for your quick answer.
I tried service jchem-psql init
and service jchem-psql start
When i type service --status-all
, jchem-psql appears to be stopped even if I just started it...
ChemAxon abe887c64e
19-02-2016 15:00:00
Please check the error logs under /var/log/jchem-psql
/ . Our guess is that the license file is missing from its correct location: /etc/chemaxon/license.cxl.
User 4f9758e627
22-02-2016 09:48:30
The license file is not missing in /etc/chemaxon/license.cxl.
In /var/log/jchem-psql/ I get these lines :
[main] ERROR com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.Main - Exception caught
chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.
Product name: Postgres Cartridge
Licenses are read from: /etc/chemaxon/license.cxl;/etc/chemaxon/license.cxl
Please visit or contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(
at com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.ZetorService.<init>(
at com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.ZetorService.<init>(
at com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.ZetorService$
at com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.Main.runServer(
at com.chemaxon.jchem.indexing.server.Main.main(
I tried with to create a evaluation license, so I downloaded the 'Platform IT' license, reinitialized with service jchem-psql init
and service jchem-psql start
but I get the same error message...
ChemAxon abe887c64e
22-02-2016 10:37:21
Could you send me (kvajda at chemaxon dot com) the license.cxl file you have ? We would like to check it.
Thank you,