Hydrogen bond donor and acceptor - chemicalize.org

User e858102d6c

22-06-2011 15:11:14

Hi. I am a little unsure of how to interpret the count of the number of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors on chemicalize.org. Should I expect to see the letter D next to a donor and the letter A next to an acceptor? For all compounds I've looked up so far I've only seen an A next to an O or N atom, when I think they could be donors and not acceptors in some cases.

Are both strong and weak acceptors/donors shown?

ChemAxon 6c76bc6409

23-06-2011 08:50:22

HiĀ Deanna,

Currently we have a bug on chemicalize.org where we are not able to show donor sites on the generated images. We are looking into the issue and will keep you updated when we have results!

