Log P Value of drug

User 4002775f04

15-02-2016 22:16:54


I am working on SMEDDS of anticancer drug etoposide I need reference of log P value of this drug as it is required for my work 

Please help me in this regard


ChemAxon 0265132c1a

16-02-2016 08:09:44

Hi Nayab,

You have pretty much two options to use our logP:

  1. Just simply download the Marvin Beans package. Without license you can run single calculations - like logP. It will pop-up an error message, that you will need a license, but if you hit OK, it will calculate it.

  2. Since you have an academic background, you can apply for our academic package. It is a 2 years license, covers a lot more than just logP calculations (like NMR Predictions, other predictors and calculators, Excel chemistry add-on - so quite a few things.) And thus you can avoid the error messages :)

I hope this was helpful,

Have an excellent day,
