Can I download Chemicalize molecule-making for non-net use?

User 692c5b2383

16-04-2015 00:47:47

This is a simple question. I live where I have no Wi-Fi, and I go to the library to get online, but I really use's molecular drawing tool constantly, and I'd love to be able to download it with my thumbdrive and take it with me to my computer that does not have internet. Is there a link someone can direct me to? Even if it could only be e-mailed to me, that'd be wonderful.




ChemAxon 6c76bc6409

16-04-2015 14:16:41

The drawing tool integrated to is MarvinJS. Marvin JS is web based, but it has a desktop counterpart called MarvinSketch, which includes the same phys-chem property calculations, and many others, with lots of options.

MarvinSketch works on Windows, Mac and Linux and after installation it doesn't require any kind of network connection. For a trial license, you may need to contact our sales team via email.

User 692c5b2383

18-04-2015 20:05:45

I think I can't get it because I have once, and didn't transfer it that once properly from my thumbdrive at the local library to my non-internet laptop at home.

I just want a copy of Marvin Sketch for home use because I draw molecular images for Wikipedia article contributions as a hobbyist in my spare time.

Couldn't anyone please upload just Marvin Sketch in a manner compatible with my Windows 7 32bit laptop? Even if it runs off of Firefox browser, that'd be fine.

Is there a way to download that Java content from the site via a command prompt at the html line or some other way with Fire Fox at the library, transfer it to my 4gb thumb-drive, and get it to run once I get it to my laptop from it's own harddisk, without web connectivity?

Otherwise could someone please show me a similarly easy-to-use for non-specialist molecule 2D drawing tool that exports IUPAC names, draws from IUPAC names, and can manually be drawn that's fully freeware and can be installed without connecting to the web (and isn't compressed with a strange format, unless of course, you point me where that can be found and I can get it to function at least the one time I need it in this instance?)

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

20-04-2015 09:00:00

You can download MarvinSketch from here:

It is free for non-commercial users for desktop use. I suggest installing the windows version with jre.

Best regards,


User 692c5b2383

20-04-2015 19:01:02

Which one at that link do I download for sketch? and is it zipped in a way I need a certain program to open it?


EDIT: I think I figured it out; marvinbeans- Filesize: 352.4 MB

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

21-04-2015 08:22:25

You are right. I hope you will like it.

Best regards,


User 692c5b2383

21-04-2015 21:54:24

Thanks, and much thanks to everyone who responded. It installed last night without a hitch, and appeared to run smoothly (even on my old clunker, and that's saying something, it can barely handle a *.pdf file, I think it has trojans or other malware, but I can't find an offline virus cleaning program, but that's another story for another forum)