User 60bcaa0502
07-07-2016 13:06:31
I am running plexus-suite- and jchem web services- on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.7. I am also using Apache Tomcat/7.0.54, servlet 3.0.
The trouble I am having is, I can only start one of these chemaxon products at a time and not both as hoped.
The error comes from, they both want to use the same Apache derby database. Is there a way of specifying a particular database at startup so they do not conflict? If so how?
Thank you
ChemAxon c589ba3265
11-07-2016 09:34:35
Dear Krusty,
yes it is possible.
you can set up different home for plexus and you have to run it in different tomcat.
I try to suggest some of the possible solution bellow.
-crate a local user and install tomcat fir him
like a /lcal/krusty_pelxus_user/apche_tomcat_7.0.54/
-in the ~/tomcat/bin/ create and put in a following content
export HOME=/local/user
you can also put here others settings and configure more or less memory.
you can also remove the options which you do not want to use.
second solution is reconfigured database in some xml files inside the *.war file, so if the first solution will no acceptable, we can try this way