Marvin - Sketch, View, Space and JavaScript

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-12-2013 12:55:42

Functionality Version Notes Description of the feature
Exit (File menu) 6.3 Marvin is not a multi tab editor (yet). Functionality "Close" is enough. Exit from the editor.
Editor style(view menu/Skin chooser dialog): Marvin v1.0-5.0 6.3
Terminal bond deletion method (Edit/Preferences/Bond) 6.3 Without the terminal atom will be applyed. Terminal Bond Deletion Method offers 2 ways to delete the terminal bond of a molecule: only the bond is deleted or the terminal atom disappears with the bond.
Validate S-group creation (Edit/Preferences/Structure) 6.3 It should be a default and not an option. Validate S-groups At Creation disables the S-group types in the drop-down list which would not yield a chemically correct structure.
Default location (Edit/Preferences/(Save/Load)) 6.3 Last location will be kept. Default location: the folder from which to load or to save molecules may be set by the user.
- Startup directory: the folder where the command to start the application was given.
- Last location: the last folder used for opening or saving a structure.
- Custom working directory: a user-defined folder. If a molecule is loaded from another folder, then the file's location will be offered for saving.
OLE server options panel (Edit/Preferences/OLEServer) 6.3 They can be set from the "registry" anyway, the currrent defaults will be kept. />See OLE server
Transformation Space (Edit/Transformation)
6.3 only from the menu; "Space" key would remain
Changes transformation mode from Drag to Rotate in 2D, Rotate in 2D to Rotate in 3D, while Rotate in 3D to Drag
3D plane (Edit/Transformation) 6.3

Rotates the molecule to place the selected 3 atoms into the plane of the canvas
Color "Shapely" (View/Colors) 6.3 maybe in Mspace? It does not really work in MSketch, nobody complained though. This color scheme is based on RasMol's shapely color scheme for nucleic and amino acids.
Color "Group" (View/Colors) 6.3 maybe in Mspace? CORE team will get rid of PDB support anyway. Coloring atoms based on PDB residue numbers.
Graph Invariant (View/Advanced) 6.3 we can keep it from API if it needed for debugging Toggles the display of graph invariants (canonical labels).
Menubar/F11 (View) 6.3 we can keep it as an API option. (Users complain about HAVING F11 as shortcut.)
Sets the visibility of the main menubar.
Insert "New structure"/"New Substituent" 6.3 Since it was a custom development for client, we make it available for clientonly Opens a new MarvinSketch window to add new fragments to the canvas without having to change e.g. the 3D view mode.
Add Branch (Atom menu) 6.3 The menu option was eliminated from 6.0, nobody missed it. Adds a new bond with implicit hydrogens to the selected atom. This option is disabled for atoms that can have no more bonds.
Regenerate Bonds (Bond Menu) 6.3 maybe in Mspace? Generate bonds for an XYZ structure with a different bond length cut-off.
link node TBA
Repeating unit can be used instead, with more functionality. />

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