Core IO, file format support and structure visualization

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-12-2013 11:55:27

Not support new features in Create instead From version:
SKC Export nothing 6.4

Supress support for:
Sgroups, especially abbreviations New structure representation 6.3
The current molecule representation is mixing togehther the chemical and GUI features. New structure representation, interfaces. 6.3
xyz format They will stay and work like in 6.1, but no new improvements. 6.2
pdb format They will stay and work like in 6.1, but no new improvements. 6.2
mol2 format They will stay and work like in 6.1, but no new improvements. 6.2
compressed formats (csmol, compressed smiles) They will stay and work like in 6.1, but no new improvements. They cause problems and base64 encoded zips are granting these fuctionalities. 6.2