JChem and JChem Search for SharePoint

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-12-2013 11:48:44

Title of the feature Version Comment
Oracle Support in Search (indexing and settings database) "2.2-2.3" JChem Cartridge or other cartridge support would make sense, but JChem Base with Oracle not really.
On the fly editor switching "2.1" We removed it in 2.1 because the implementation was complex and had side effects. It turned out however that some evaluators liked it. The editor switching function is not lost, it is a cascaded setting and should be pre-set. We only remove the "on the fly" part.
Calculated Fields "2.x" Notes: These are not widely used, but does not have a big overhead of maintenance.
Unprovision jc4sp database from admin pages "2.1" We remove it since that provides an "official" way to make the jc4sp product unusable. Later in 2.2 we will implement a replace database function instead