Discovery tools (not Reactor) and Calculator Plugins

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-12-2013 11:42:04

Product group members: Calculator Plugins, JKlustor, Screen, Fragmenter & Metabolizer

Product to drop or refactor Product category to drop Drop from version Action
Calculator Plugins/Predictor plugin Predictor plugin 6.3 from next release
Marvin/Conformer plugin Eliminate the feature of Store/retrieve conformers to/from molecule/SD property 6.3 Remove functionality
Screen Screen command line - optimizemetrics 6.4 Remove codes, examples and documentation
Screen Screen - compr 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen Screen - crview 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen Screen - hitstatistics 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
JKlustor JKlustor - jarp 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen Screen - nneib 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen Screen - pmapper 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen Screen - screenmd 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
JKlustor JKlustor - ward 6.5+ Frontends (parametrization, display) moved to be available in other products, backend should be available as an integrated tool. Remove the command lines as soon as functionality is available.
Screen - refactor generatemd Screen command line - generatemd
-DB admin features should be from jcman
-other features may be kept 6.5+ rarely used, poorly documented
Provide DB administration features from jcman, drop from this tool
LibMCS LibMCS GUI 6.6+ clustering, RG-decomp, R table functionality should be re-designed and re-developed in other products