Win7 path variable missing chemaxon paths

User 9df74a15a4

21-11-2014 14:52:40

Maybe I am looking at the wrong variable, but it seems as if the "Path" in the environment variables doesn't contain Chemaxon program path anymore. Whithout it the cmd line won't work :(

What should I write in the PATH on Win7 64 bit with 64bit Chemaxon installers (InstantJChem, Marvin & calc. modules). Or is it simpler to do a reinstall?

ChemAxon 82e5ef81d2

24-11-2014 10:30:52

Marvin does not insert the scripts into the PATH, only JChem offers this option during the installation process. Nevertheless you can add $YOUR_MARVIN_INSTALL_DIR/bin to the PATH and the scripts in it should work from cmd.

If you are experiencing further problems please specify the exact version you are using to install to help us investigate the problem.

User 9df74a15a4

28-11-2014 14:12:02

Manual insert didn't work.

Odd enough, even in the bin folder, or using the full path-name when calling a binary, I get a "System cannot find path specified". System specific commands work though.

Could this be connected to java? I updated recently from Java 7 to Java 8 and I think that changes the java install directory (see below copied info: looks like different paths for Java 7/8, though I only have Java 8 on my system)

working on win 7 64bit

InstantJchem info copy:

Instant JChem Version: (build: 201411051414-f1f33170c21d)
JChem Version: (build date: 2014-11-03, version ID:
JChem Table Version: 14102000
Marvin Version: (build date: 2014-11-03)
Java: 1.7.0_25; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 23.25-b01
System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_US (instantjchem)
NetBeans build: a903faa1d680-ijc-patched-9
Userdir: C:\Users\almi\AppData\Roaming\.instantjchem\
Java Web Start: No


Product Version:


Build Date:


Internal build id:

Operating System:

amd64 Windows 7 6.1

Character encoding:



Oracle Corporation Java 1.8.0_25


3616,0M maximum, 231,0M total, 176,4M free


Application (with administrator rights)

ChemAxon 82e5ef81d2

03-12-2014 14:35:13

Yes, changing the Java installations can cause the scripts to fail. There should be a java.ini file in the bin directory containing a "Java Path" property, which is used to detect the path to the appropriate JRE. Please check whether it points to a valid installation. If this is the problem, you can either:

1. Remove this file, in this case the scripts should detect the same java which is accessible from the cmd

2. Change the path to point to a valid installation which is to be used by the scripts

User 9df74a15a4

03-12-2014 15:11:44

! Yes, that worked! Thanks!