error after installation

User 8bba3e2d9f

29-10-2014 08:49:50



i have just installed marvin beans and after the completion of installation it does not open any of the applications neither of the marvin sketch or view etc....(couldn't load main) is the error shown.


what should i do?


and in between of installation when it is about to complete it showed an error of sudden end...


please tell me what to do 

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

29-10-2014 10:03:28


Could you please try downloading the installer again and re-run the installation?
The packages might be damaged during download that could cause serious installation errors.

If this does not help, could you please provide more information, like

Which installer of MarvinBeans have you downloaded?

What operating system do you use? Mac/Linux/Windows? 32 or 64 bit?

What error messages did you get exactly?

Best regards,
Gabor Vasko