User 1ce5824017
18-08-2014 22:13:17
I would like to install JChem for Excel to my new computer that is a 64 bit Windows 8 but I am getting an Operation Failed with 0x80070057, Parameter is incorrect error message. Can someone assist me to what I am doing wrong in installing the JChem for Excel 64bit .exe.
Thanks in advance!
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
25-08-2014 09:09:05
Could you please tell us some more detail: which version of JChem for Excel do you use? Older versions need .NET framework 3.5 turned on in Windows Features.
Is your Office 64-bit as well?
The best would be if you could create a log file during the installation process, as described here. Please send the log file to buildteam at chemaxon dot com, so we can analyze it.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko