User aabc8da617
04-12-2013 15:55:24
I'm running Windows 7 64bit and when I try to install Marvin for End Users I keep getting the following error
"The install4j wizard could not find a Java(TM) Runtime Environment on your system. Please locate a suitable JRE. (minimum version: 1.6, maximum version :)"
I'm confused... I have java, not sure why it can't find it or install..... I'm pretty tech savy but feel pretty stupid right now as I can't figure out whats wrong.... Can anyone help?
ChemAxon b62f37c21a
06-12-2013 14:16:03
Which version of our product do you use? Is it 32 or 64 bit installer?
Where is your Java installed? Is it 32 or 64 bit version?
Based on the error message I guess you have a different 32/64 bit Java version installed than our installer expects.
Best regards,
Gabor Vasko
User 766b16ea06
11-01-2014 19:09:21
Hello, I managed to solve the problem concerning the installation of Marvin with java. Java 7 is not supported by the installer, so you have to downgrade java to Java 6u45, and then you will be able to install the software. As i'm installing it right now, I'm not sure if the software will still work if you update Java back to Java7. Anyways, Java 6 is the solution.
User 7ac5d96d87
25-01-2017 19:02:47
I have a student having the same error message right now will trying to download it... I assume she's on java 8, as she was trying to re-download that as well to fix the problem. any suggestions as to how to fix? I attached the doc she sent me with her issues/screen shots....