Gatekeeper Security of OS X Mountain Lion

ChemAxon bab575906b

12-02-2013 13:06:52

For OS X Mountain Lion Users!

Many of you have bumped into the problem when the Gatekeeper Security of OS X Mountain Lion blocks launching applications downloaded not from the Apple store. The solution is to modify the default settings of the Gatekeeper:

- Select 'Apple > System Preferences > Security & Privacy '

- In the 'General' section the setting of ' Allow applications downloaded from :' should be set to ' Anywhere'!

After this you would not get the "damaged dmg" popup and you can install the downloaded dmg. (You even don't need to re-download it, the "damaged dmg" is misleading.)

This issue is described in the following links, too:

User b7cab9b9b3

06-05-2013 23:21:39


Unable to install the Marvin end user + Java .dmv file, I finally found  mac system preferences>security>general>anyone.  Once I did that, a page appears on downloading the licence.  I already downloaded the licence yesterday.  Since I had already trashed the .dmv file, every time I click on "Marvin", I get the license button back or the instructions for installing again.  I can't seem to get out of the cycle.

Now that I have mac system preferences ready to install the .dmv file, how do I download Marvin beans?


Bruce  [email protected]

User 43bdf56951

27-09-2013 01:26:06

Even though I have administrator rights I keep getting the following message: You have no write permissions for the directory /Applications/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans. Please choose another directory.

My last download was on an older iMac. Have since upgraded to a new the latest desktop iMac with OS X 10.8.5.


According to the system preferences I have administrative rights!


Anyone have an idea what the problem is?



ChemAxon b47cbbf1b6

27-09-2013 13:17:20

Hello James!

I bumped into the same error earlier when I installed MarvinBeans under one OS X user account and I tried to install it under another account while the earlier was still installed. But I think your user account can also change somewhat if you perform a system upgrade. The solution is to take ownership of your old /Applications/ChemAxon folder and then uninstall Marvinbeans. Then you will be able to install a newer version of Marvin into the same location.

Here are the steps.

After this you can install a new version of Marvinbeans.

It works for me, I just tested it again. And I hope it will work for you as well.

Best Regards,


User 43bdf56951

28-09-2013 00:36:50



Thanks, it worked like a charm! I keep forgetting about those permissions on the files.





User 2ca05a7f4e

06-11-2013 14:11:07

you might want to update this post to "Mountain Lion and Mavericks" - after updating to 10.9 at least I had forgotten about this... (edit: Mavericks changes back any security settings to Apple's default)