ChemAxon bab575906b
12-02-2013 13:06:52
For OS X Mountain Lion Users!
Many of you have bumped into the problem when the Gatekeeper Security of OS X Mountain Lion blocks launching applications downloaded not from the Apple store. The solution is to modify the default settings of the Gatekeeper:
- Select 'Apple > System Preferences > Security & Privacy '
- In the 'General' section the setting of ' Allow applications downloaded from :' should be set to ' Anywhere'!
After this you would not get the "damaged dmg" popup and you can install the downloaded dmg. (You even don't need to re-download it, the "damaged dmg" is misleading.)
This issue is described in the following links, too:
User b7cab9b9b3
06-05-2013 23:21:39
Unable to install the Marvin end user + Java .dmv file, I finally found mac system preferences>security>general>anyone. Once I did that, a page appears on downloading the licence. I already downloaded the licence yesterday. Since I had already trashed the .dmv file, every time I click on "Marvin", I get the license button back or the instructions for installing again. I can't seem to get out of the cycle.
Now that I have mac system preferences ready to install the .dmv file, how do I download Marvin beans?
Bruce [email protected]
User 43bdf56951
27-09-2013 01:26:06
Even though I have administrator rights I keep getting the following message: You have no write permissions for the directory /Applications/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans. Please choose another directory.
My last download was on an older iMac. Have since upgraded to a new the latest desktop iMac with OS X 10.8.5.
According to the system preferences I have administrative rights!
Anyone have an idea what the problem is?
ChemAxon b47cbbf1b6
27-09-2013 13:17:20
Hello James!
I bumped into the same error earlier when I installed MarvinBeans under one OS X user account and I tried to install it under another account while the earlier was still installed. But I think your user account can also change somewhat if you perform a system upgrade. The solution is to take ownership of your old /Applications/ChemAxon folder and then uninstall Marvinbeans. Then you will be able to install a newer version of Marvin into the same location.
Here are the steps.
- In Finder go to Applications, right-click the ChemAxon folder and select Get Info.
- Unlock the settings with the small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the window by clicking it and then entering your password.
- Next, look at the Sharing & Permissions section. If you cannot see your own username in the table then add yourself by clicking the plus button. Select you user account and press OK.
- Then select your username in the table and choose Read & Write access in the second column.
- Select your username again in the table and then click the button below with the small gear icon. Click “Make me the owner”, and then again the “Apply to enclosed items...”. Confirm OK and you are done with the permission settings.
- You should still remove the old Marvinbeans version by running /Applications/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/ChemAxon Marvin Beans Uninstaller.
After this you can install a new version of Marvinbeans.
It works for me, I just tested it again. And I hope it will work for you as well.
Best Regards,
User 43bdf56951
28-09-2013 00:36:50
Thanks, it worked like a charm! I keep forgetting about those permissions on the files.
User 2ca05a7f4e
06-11-2013 14:11:07
you might want to update this post to "Mountain Lion and Mavericks" - after updating to 10.9 at least I had forgotten about this... (edit: Mavericks changes back any security settings to Apple's default)