User 870ab5b546
22-06-2016 17:48:49
I just tried MarvinJS on an iPad 9.3.1 and there were a bunch of functions that wouldn't work because I lacked a keyboard. For example, I could not copy/paste an existing structure. Is there a way to do these things? If not, are you planning to add this capability?
Also, when I opened a MarvinJS window such as the export window, the MarvinJS canvas weirdly started expanding to the south. It snapped back to normal when I closed the window.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
30-06-2016 14:44:53
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately there is no way currently to reach this functions on ipad (context menu works on some Android device and hybrids). However, It is perfect timing that you tested it now, because we are planning to create a new UI for touch devices, I would like to ask whether my UX designer colleagues can contact you? We would really appreciate your opinion.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
30-06-2016 16:08:46
I don't use an iPad very often, but sure, they can contact me. In return, can I extract a promise from you to address some of the items on my list?
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
05-07-2016 21:26:02
Thanks. We will implement most of the feature from your list anyway, since they are reasonable requests which will make our product even better.