User 870ab5b546
06-04-2016 17:09:19
Is there any reason that OtBu is a shortcut group in Marvin JS, but tBuO is not?
User 870ab5b546
06-04-2016 17:09:19
Is there any reason that OtBu is a shortcut group in Marvin JS, but tBuO is not?
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
07-04-2016 09:08:46
In Marvin JS, the abbreviations appear in the list the way, these are displayed on the right side of the structure ("rightname").
The idea behind this is that we try to be consistent, and make easy for people to distinguish between two abbreviations, which can appear with the same title, from each other (for example: NC, CN are different in their attachment point).
I am not sure if you are missing the same abbreviated group or a different one with the same abbreviation. If this is the latter case, please provide us the structure you are missing, and we will update our list.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
07-04-2016 13:10:59
OtBu is in the list of abbreviations.
I understand your point in cases like CN and NC. But these sorts of examples are very rare. The point I am trying to make is that, unless a user is very familiar with Marvin JS, she will expect that typing tBuO will bring up the shortcut group OtBu. And given that typing tBuO doesn't bring up the shortcut group, it may not occur to the user that she has to type it as OtBu. You're assuming that your users are all as knowledgeable about Marvin JS in particular and chemistry in general as you are, and they're not.
With MarvinSketch, the developer could customize the list of shortcut groups for his users. Is such a feature available in Marvin JS? Because if it were, then I could customize the list of shortcut groups, and you wouldn't need to worry about it. But if it weren't, I'm afraid I would have to add this problem to the list of Marvin JS problems that I have to nag you about.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
08-04-2016 11:55:43
You cannot customize the list of abbreviations now, however it is among our long-term plans.
Until, we added this item in mind to your list :).
Thank you for your feedback.