User 870ab5b546
24-02-2016 15:10:46
I am again compelled to complain about the atrocious size and placement of charges in Marvin JS. When lone pair display is turned off, it is almost impossible to tell that there is a negative charge on the C atom. That's partly because of the size of the negative symbol and partly because of its placement. See the figure below.
This problem is becoming more and more serious as Java applets like MarvinSketch face greater restrictions, so students are forced to use Marvin JS.
MarvinSketch shows the C symbol and the implicit H atoms when a C atom is charged. This feature makes the structure easy to read and removes ambiguity. It's one reason why I recommend to students that they use MarvinSketch, not Marvin JS, if they can.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
24-02-2016 20:43:25
Sorry, if you read my former message. The charge only can be moved in MarvinSketch. You are right, it is a bug in Marvin JS. I am creating a task about it.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
24-02-2016 20:50:18
Not just the placement is a bug. Please use the − character, or at least an en dash –, to display the minus sign so that it's clearly legible.
And again, you should write out the C symbol and the attached H atoms, just as MarvinSketch does. The programmers who developed MarvinSketch a long time ago had good reason for programming it that way. I remember having discussions with them about the best way to display charged C atoms. You can probably find a record of the conversations in the old posts of this forum.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
25-02-2016 11:16:59
Hi Bob,
Which version of Marvin JS you use?
We have changed the minus charge to a bigger character in Version 15.9.21, but in the image, you attached, the charge seems to be the old one.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
25-02-2016 13:36:44
We're using Marvin JS 15.12.14. If you did change the size of the minus sign, it seems to have reverted.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
25-02-2016 15:53:23
User 870ab5b546
25-02-2016 16:13:16
No, still too small. See screen shot. Same small appearance in CH3-CH2– as well.
I'm using Safari 9.0.3 on a Mac, but the appearance is the same in Chrome and Firefox.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
25-02-2016 17:47:48
I see the problem now.
We have changed the character, but it seems, it does not appear much more bigger in the font Marvin JS uses is your operating system.
Thank you for reporting it. I made an item about this in our issue tracking system.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
User 870ab5b546
06-04-2016 15:01:38
Any progress on the size of the minus charge and its placement relative to bonds? My students are having serious trouble seeing it when it overlaps with a bond. And it's so small, they confuse it with an electron.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
08-04-2016 11:46:09
Currently, in Marvin JS you cannot change the position of the charges, but we are searching for the best replacement for the minus charge, to be more visible in all the major browsers.
We will notify you when the fix is released.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
21-04-2016 13:51:17
Dear Bob,
We would like to inform you, that Marvin JS version 16.4.18 is out, and it contains a new font type for the minus charge.
User 870ab5b546
21-04-2016 16:22:34
Thanks, that's a big improvement. Now, you just have to fix the bug regarding the placement of the negative charge, because it still overlaps other bonds. See screen shot.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
25-04-2016 07:45:58
Thank you for your feedback!