User 867bf5be52
22-12-2015 11:23:30
Hello everyone,
I'd like to be able to add radical button to left toolbar of the editor in standard mode?
I already checked the tutorial and I'm able to add button, which does alerts something. But adding a radical is already a marvin functionality, but in different mode, so I don't want to implement it from scratch, I'm even not sure if I can.
Can somebody point me to a right direction?
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
22-12-2015 15:13:25
Hi Martin,
Currently, we are working on toolbar customization, when this feature is out, you will be able to set your own Marvin JS editor with the tools you have chosen.
Until this, I can recommend you to use our predefined presets (Education or Reporting). You can try these here:
I hope, this will help.
Kind regards,
User 867bf5be52
25-12-2015 09:47:07
Hi eszabo,
thank you for your clarification.
Are you able to tell, when approx. these changes would be available (is it a matter of weeks? months?)?
We're developing a site, which could use this feature heavily and we need to plan to use alternative solution.
Thank you again
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
29-12-2015 09:11:17
I believe approximate a month is enough to finish it.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
29-12-2015 12:19:41
Hi Martin,
I am sorry for the delay.
Is there any chance that you can use the available presets until we finish the customization?
Best regards,
User 867bf5be52
30-12-2015 15:36:08
Hi Efi,
yes we will make the changes in our code and use other preset, till you propagate your changes.
Thanks for your support, very best to you and Chemaxon to 2016.
User 517cf47a32
27-09-2016 15:51:01
Hi Efi,
I've been searching for a guide to add specific buttons to a specific mode of MarvinJS with no success. Only thing I've found is :
addButton(JavaScriptObject jso, function() )
which seems to do the trick of placing the button with custom function, but I'm not sure how to add specific "radical button".
Can you point me in a right direction for docs/tutorial?
Thank you
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
29-09-2016 08:35:16
Hello Martin,
I have wrote you an email.
Best regards,